Electrolysis and advanced electrolysis

Electrolysis and advanced electrolysis

Free consultation available

What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a method of removing hairs from the face or body. Today’s medical electrolysis devices destroy the growth centre of the hair with heat energy. After a very fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle, the hair is removed with tweezers.

Unwanted hair growth is the result of heredity and hormone levels. Some drugs, temporary methods of hair removal and illness can stimulate hair growth.

This method is eventual not instant as the root cause if not able to be treated can still produce unwanted hair.

Debbie has been a keen electrologist since 1987 completing advanced courses in 1995 and 2012.

Experienced and professional, Debbie and her staff have successfully treated all clients for their various reasons to remove unwanted hair. This treatment is attracts a diverse clientele, from transgender clients to those in the menopause and everyone in between.

Up to 15 mins
Course of 3
Up to 30 mins
Course of 3
Up to 45mins
Course of 3
Up to 60 mins
Course of 3

Advanced Electrolysis (ACP)

As far back as the early 1900s, electrolysis diathermy current was being used for the treatment of Blood Spots, Broken Capillaries, Spider Naevi, Warts, Verrucas, Skin tags and many other pesky skin blemishes.  Today it has progressed a long way and with ongoing improvements and modern technology it is a safe, comfortable and effective way of removing skin blemishes. 

To go ahead with this treatment we may need GP clearance so please don’t be offended if you are referred. 

We have completed the MASCED training which is an accredited course for the early detection of melanoma and skin cancer and have years of experience looking at suspect blemishes.

Consultation 15 mins
Up to 15 mins
Up to 30 mins
Up to 45 mins

What is involved?

The tip of the finest probe (about the size of an eyelash) is introduced along the line of the capillary and a tiny energy current is discharged. This ‘dries up’ and destroys the vessel which often disappears as it is being treated. Further treatments may be necessary depending on the severity of the problem.

In the case of skin tags the current destroys the vessels ‘feeding’ the blemish ‘starving’ it of nourishment resulting in its eventual demise.

Will my blemishes return?

The treated blemish will not return but others may occur depending on the root cause. We will be able to advise you on this during your consultation.

How long does it take?

Length of treatment will depend on type of skin blemish and size of area to be treated we will advise on this during your consultation.

Are very common – so please do not think you’re alone!

They often appear with a neck like a mushroom and vary in size from a tiny speck, smaller than a grain of uncooked rice, to the size of a large pea or even larger. They are often found in areas of friction such as the underarm, under the breasts or around the neck where necklaces may irritate.

They are commonly seen in a maturing ‘English Rose’ complexion.

There are numerous causes including: ageing, hereditary, pregnancy, the rubbing of spectacles, smoking, energetic sports, temperature extremes and harsh weather exposure, hormones and skin fragility. They are commonly seen in a maturing ‘English Rose’ complexion.

Small, raised, pearly-white or yellowish bumps on the skin

These are tiny white hard lumps containing keratin which lie superficially under the surface of the skin and can be easily treated with ACP techniques. Their exact cause is unknown although they are often associated with dry skin which can be acidic.

Blood spots or skin hemorrhages, refers to purple-colored spots that are most recognizable on the skin.

These are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome shaped or slightly raised and are most common on the trunk or torso and particularly the midriff back or front. Most people aged over 30 have at least one and they are even more common in men than women.

Veins with a spider like appearance.

A Spider Naevus is a central dilated blood vessel, with smaller capillaries radiating from it like the legs of a spider. They can be found in isolation or gathered together in clumps on areas such as cheeks.

Trying all sorts of remedies for verruca removal have varying results using creams/lotions or freezing at home. However the diathermy approach from electrolysis is direct and hits the spot and is 87% successful.