Retouch and colour boosting

Retouch and colour boosting


 Once you have had your initial permanent make up procedure, the colour will begin to fade gradually. The longevity of your result depends on a number of factors including medications, exposure to UV and the rate at which your skin exfoliates.

On average the colour will remain visible for approximately three years, although you may have particles of pigment in the skin permanently. I recommend a colour boost every year to eighteen months to keep your results looking fresh, this involves a single visit in most cases although some clients require a top up on this procedure within three months.

Clients with alopecia or having treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and acne treatment do not retain colour as well, so colour boosts may be more frequent.

To prolong colour retention I advise limited exposure to UV all year round and any products which may exfoliate the skin. All year round a good SPF 30 cream must be used.

Time since last full procedure
Up to 6 months
Up to 18 months
Up to 24 months
36+ months
Full price applies
Colour boosts DO NOT receive a FREE follow up these are charged following a consultation.